Latest Episodes

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 46:Family Business
Our heroes investigate the missing bodies but start to feel like maybe there is no real crime here to find and it is all...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 45:Looking to the Stars
Our heroes investigate the prophesy before getting serious about missing bodies. Kriden introduces her new friend. Bulain and Zirus ask the tough questions. Music...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 44:Tuscan Summer
New Book! Our heroes explore Tuscan, the sleepy border town. Zirus takes a job as a bully. Bulain doesn't. Kriden saves a friend from...

Vacation Special - Arch Sage Mason's Lore
It's the holiday lore short, featuring just Nate's midrolls where ArchSage Mason tells endless tales of lore for our world. See you all in...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 43:Final Battle of Ol' Fenrir
A final Bossfight. Zirus makes good on his pact. Kriden gets trashed. Bulain gets some bad press. Music by Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 42: Run for Your Lives
A desperate sprint through the swamp. Music by Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook Logo by Julie at Elaborate Flight of Fancy