Latest Episodes

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 19: Horses and Birds
Hot on the trail of a missing man. Zirus stays his blade for a time. Bulain negotiates an ally of convinence. Krieden loses a...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 18: Plight of the Wolf
A slightly used, new adventure. Zirus loses a friend. Bulain plies her trade. Kreiden has mixed feelings. Music by Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 17: Death of a God
The violence continues. Kreiden tells us about the time she got banished from Astragaar. Zirus can't make con saves. Bulain cleans up after the...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 16: Cult of the Pox
Its time to get violent. Zirus tells the tale of his first experience with the divine. Bulain gives us a glimpse of how she...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 15: On the Trail of a God
Wandering Northbank it is clear there is a lot going on. Zirus keeps the party on the straight and narrow. Bulain investigates the dead. ...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 14: A Silver Thread
On to Northbank. Our heroes meet a new potential ally and decide he is very suspect but they have bigger fish to fry. Music...