Our heroes complete the main quest of our first big story arc. Despite all the drama, the setbacks and the politics, supernatural and mundane, something goes right for our heroes. Animal facts about the narwhal. Music by [Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/mypetmachine/) Logo by [Julie at Elaborate Flight of Fancy](https://www.facebook.com/ElaborateFlight/)
Our heroes are victorious in completing their first quest. Zirus loses a battle of wills. Kreiden argues with a god. Bulain lays the dead...
Come for the recap, no conversation this time. Music by Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook Logo by Julie at Elaborate Flight of...
Episode 1 of our Real Play D&D 5e podcast. Three little maids from school are hanging out in the local tavern in an attempt...