Our heroes head to town to get their lives in order between jaunts into the thorns. Jaelan visits the sewers. Sable heads home. Sylpha goes to court. Fairy facts about the Redcap. Music by [Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/mypetmachine/) Logo by [Julie at Elaborate Flight of Fancy](https://www.facebook.com/ElaborateFlight/)
Exploring the Dragon's Lair our heroes murder and steal as fast as they can. Music by Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook Logo...
Our heroes start the leadup to the full moon and recover from their argument. Sylpha and her mom have a heart to heart. Jaelan...
The heir to house Verathi is named and the fallout begins. Sable makes a name for herself on the dance floor. Sylpha's courting obligations...