A battle down at the barn. Jaelan double taps a barn spider. Sylpha gets two trademark spells out. Sable wields moonlight. Fairy facts about the Kelpie. Music by [Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/mypetmachine/) Logo by [Julie at Elaborate Flight of Fancy](https://www.facebook.com/ElaborateFlight/)
Deal making at the city keep. Sylpha wins some arguments. Sable gives her old mentor a piece of her mind. Jaelan plays the mediator....
Our heroes head home to find out what being an "enemy" means. Sylpha has a heart to heart with a frenemy. Jaelan heads home...
Our heroes raid the Mason family crypt. Sable reunites with a lost ally. Jaelan puts her training to the test. Sylpha's magic solves a...