Latest Episodes

Campaign 1 (Fenrir) Episode 27: A Parent's Love
Our heroes investigate plan B for getting magical components. Sylpha gives a magic lesson to Thomas Drewery. Jaelan learns about her father. Sable is...

Campaign 1 (Fenrir) Episode 26: Politics Get Heated
The aftermath of a forest fire is full of politics and tough conversations. Magic and monsters doesn't make people all that different. Sable starts...

Campaign 1 (Fenrir) Episode 25: Heart of Fire
The hunt for magic components gets heated. Sylpha acts as lookout. Sable unleashes her inner bear. Jaelan falls in love. Animal facts about the...

Campaign 1 (Fenrir) Episode 24: Good Will Hunting
The hunt begins! Sable tries to keep her house in order. Jaelan spends some quality time with a friend. Sylpha plays look out. Animal...

Campaign 1 (Fenrir) Episode 23: To Catch Your Prey
Our heroes prepare for their next job hunting beasts in the thorns, but they aren't the only ones hunting. Jaelan discovers a secret. Sylpha...

Campaign 1 (Fenrir) Episode 22: The Steep and Thorny Way
After the courting sessions our heroes try to prevent a war and get Ophelia to safety. Sable learns a terrible truth. Jaelan tries to...