Latest Episodes

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 13: Case Closed
The quest ends and the heroes get their reward. Krieden gets her spa day. Zirus doesn't start a fight, because Bulain does instead. Music...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 12: Swamp Politics
The quest to take down the corrupt mayor continues. Zirus raids a hideout. Bulain talks the party out of a TPK. Kreiden makes a...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 11: Pursuit of Justice
Our heroes complete one quest and then choose another. Zirus tries something sneaky. Bulain keeps everyone on the straight and narrow. Kreiden experiences split...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 10: Need a Bigger Boat
The battle continues in the river and down the swamp. Zirus goes on a rampage. Kreiden unleashes blasts. Bulain runs for her life. Music...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 9: The Wayward Revolutionary
Together our heroes followup on all their leads in Hyloch. Bulain buys a trinket. Kreden meets an admirer. Zirus finds his perhaps his only...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 8: Jail Bird Screams
Our heroes start investigating with some mixed success. Zirus questions the guard. Kreiden makes an unlikely friend. Bulain makes a big mistake. Music by...