A special mission from the Ladies Mieve and Verathi. Jaelan learns the nature of oaths. Sable meets a new friend and loses a protector. Sylpha deploys her secret hideout. Animal facts about the wolf. Music by [Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/mypetmachine/) Logo by [Julie at Elaborate Flight of Fancy](https://www.facebook.com/ElaborateFlight/)
Our heroes head to town to get their lives in order between jaunts into the thorns. Jaelan visits the sewers. Sable heads home. Sylpha...
We are on vacation. Listen to us talk about the Druid class. Music by [Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/mypetmachine/) Logo by [Julie...
The after math of an assassination attempt. The party goes on a chase and debriefs at the morgue. Music by Todd Ferguson, My Pet...