Latest Episodes

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 24: Investigation of the Centaur-y
Our heroes begin setting up for the trial and start their investigation. Krieden gets a date. Zirus gets diplomatic. Bulain calls out a jerk. ...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 23: Establishing Order
The battle concluded, our heroes try to figure out what is next. Krieden offers advice. Zirus volunteers. Bulain tries to right forgotten wrongs. Music...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 22: Pyrric Victory
Battle rages, part 2. Krieden sends out the distress call. Zirus fights to the bitter end. Bulain plies her trade. Music by Todd Ferguson,...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 21: More Than You Can Chew
Battle rages, part 1. Krieden takes control. Bulain identifies a problem. Zirus considers self-sacrifice. Music by Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook Logo...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Recap episodes 1-20
Come for the recap, stay for the conversation Music by Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook Logo by Julie at Elaborate Flight of...

Campaign 2 (Astragar) Episode 20: Bad Bargains
Slinking around underground. Zirus makes three friends and Krieden and Bulain negotiate to ruin it. Music by Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook...