Our heroes get into an endurance fight with endless waves of plant creatures. Sylpha rains down magic. Sable unleashes nature's fury. Jaelan and her sister trim some unruly topiaries. Fairy facts about Cornish Smallfolk. Music by [Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/mypetmachine/) Logo by [Julie at Elaborate Flight of Fancy](https://www.facebook.com/ElaborateFlight/)
Our heroes hatch a plot to get what they want at the expense of the gods. Music by Todd Ferguson, My Pet Machine on...
Our heroes regroup but the night proves eventful. Sable ditches a powerful beast. Sylpha reunites with a friend. Jaelan doesn't know what to do....
Things get a little out of hand as actions have consequences. Sylpha runs for her life. Sable makes bargains she is sure to regret....